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Group Sound Healing Schedule

Consciousness Rejuvenation sessions are a group sound healing experience. Intentions and offerings will rotate with the energy of the moon and the season.

Group sessions are $20 per person

Sunday March 16th - Sound Bath Crystal Attunement 5-6pm

Sunday April 27th - Sound Bath 5-6pm

Healing Stones
Woman playing Tibetan Singing Bowls with Mallet on Beach. Relaxing Meditative Music Therap

Book A Private
Sound Ceremony

Sound healing works with the frequencies in the body to help reset the nervous system and activate re-balancing in the subtle body. Book a private or small group sound healing session and set your own intentions.

1hr Session includes:

-Grounding and connection work

-Oracle Card reading

-30min Sound Bath


Sound Healing Training
with Soul Body Finesse

Deepen your practice

Learn how to work with sound and  intuition to hold a healing space with confidence.  


It is our goal to teach the role of a healer/facilitator with a deep emphasis on humility, reverence and peace for universal transformation. 

Singing Bowl Sound Healing
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