Yoga Immersions
With The Seeker School

Taking time out of your regular routine is an essential part of deepening your sadhana. Setting aside periodic time where you can immerse yourself completely in your spiritual work adds fire to your inner prayer and strengthens devotion. It is also a special time to make deep connections with other Yogis and find support, reflections and inspirations from your community.
All of the Seeker School retreats have a uniquely themed focus for the experience. Each immersion counts as hours towards your 300hr training or continuing ed. It is my goal to provide supportive, authentic and deep experiences that give the practitioners a safe space to let go of attachments and open their hearts.
I am deeply invested in supporting other independent, conscious businesses. Each place that hosts our school honors the sacred practices of yoga and has a heartfelt connection with us.
It is my highest priority that students leave feeling seen, heard and reinvigorated with their personal practices. To support this I choose places that are surrounded by nature, food that is from the earth and rituals you can recreate in your own way at home.
No particular amount of yoga experience is necessary to come on retreat. Only a sincere desire to deepen your connection to the Divine.