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"I have been following Justyn and her teachings for about a year now and I truly have never felt more of a connection to the Divine in my life. No instagram caption could adequately sum up the impact she and yoga have had on my development and healing. I thank the Universe for this practice everyday."

-Shelby Stahl

"I am so grateful to have Justyn in my life as a teacher and mentor. Her translations of the teachings of yoga are rooted in love and authenticity. At the Seeker School, I am challenged to soften my mind, and to stretch my heart open to see the Divine in everyone and everything. I highly recommend the Seeker Yoga School for those who wish to expand their understanding of yoga philosophy and to deepen their own relationship with the Divine Self." - Jordyn Lehman


"The Seeker Yoga School has shifted my perception of what yoga is and what it is for, deepening my practice spiritually. While the physical challenge of Justyn's classes is what drew me in, the way she challenged me mentally and spiritually is what kept me coming back. I have begun to honor my body for everything it allows me to do, both on and off the mat, and started listening to what it needs from me. I no longer feel the desire to push or overextend my body; rather, I trust my body to know when it needs a fast-paced vinyasa flow, restorative poses, or just a nap or a day off. The small group classes and workshops at her studio cultivate a unique and powerful energy that fills the room and stays with me long after I leave. If you find yourself asking, "Is this all there is?" at the end of your current yoga class, I highly recommend you find your way to this program!" -Jennifer Pelletier


"One-on-one sessions with Justyn, for me, have been numinous to say the least. Unlike a regular class format, practicing alone with my teacher enables me to receive her gifts tailored specifically to me. Together, we are able to create objectives for a suitable course, uncover obstacles that impede my journey, and settle into a space that nurtures growth and healing. I feel secure asking questions mid-pose and trying on new suggestions because Justyn creates a compassionate space for me to open up to my own vulnerability, enhancing my experience. I keep a journal of each session, finding it very useful in subsequent study and meditation as my favorite go-to guide on and off my mat.

Humbled with gratitude for the opportunity to work with Justyn in this manner, my yoga practice has been profoundly inspired and I joyfully embrace a more authentic self.."-Mandi Idnam


 "Today I spent the morning practicing amazing inversions I never thought I would be able to do (and finding such freedom in even the act of attempting the poses, the results didn’t matter!), and the afternoon teaching and being taught by my fellow students. Yoga all day, and all I can think is how excited I am for more tomorrow! Today was SO beautiful!." -Natasha Jakway


"The light that Little Bird (Justyn) shines is super bright. She has warmed my heart to honor the teacher in all things, and illuminated my strength once perceived as weakness." - Daniel Zamzow


"The Seeker School has been an incredible change for my outlook on life. It has been trans formative for the way I think of myself, and also the way I handle challenges on and off the mat. From the first time my friend mentioned it to me, I was honestly terrified. I had done yoga pretty regularly, but not with such personal attention and for 90 minutes! I really liked the idea of being able to blend into a larger class, without anyone noticing my mistakes or struggles. I was thoroughly surprised at my change of mindset leaving my first class. I was able to try poses I had never done before, and having that smaller class allowed for the attention and personal motivation to accomplish those poses.

It was not long before I found myself really looking forward to these flows! I felt less like someone who did yoga, but more like a yogi. These practices have especially allowed me to feel open and connected with the energy around and eliminate judging my own practice. I have learned to accept whatever I am feeling, and breathe through any roadblocks that may pop up. Not only do I take the lessons learned with me in my other practices, but I have found myself applying them to experiences in my daily life. Truly a magnificent and unique experience which I am honored to participate in." - Vanessa Stromberg 

"If you want to deep dive into true yoga, you must check out The Seeker Yoga School. I first met the owner, Justyn, in 2011 when I started to practice regularly and she's been a big influence in the direction of my yoga journey...and because of that yoga ended up changing my life (of course)! I've lived in different parts of the U.S., studied and taught different styles of yoga, but came back to this body of teachings for my 500-Hr certification and couldn't be happier to be diving in with other students and teachers who love and live this practice. It really does create something special. If you're looking to expand or deepen your practice or understanding of yoga, stop in to one of the satsangs or classes to start with and you will understand! So much can't be expressed with words!" -Nicole Harris

"Justyn is such a beautiful vessel of divine wisdom and love. Studying with The Yoga Seeker School has elevated my consciousness and helped me to create my own path and practice that is authentic to my dharma and free from the social confines and “shoulds” of our society. Justyn meets you where you’re at. She is fun and real and compassionate and teaches with that goddess energy that makes you feel seen and loved and perfect." - Jocelyn Lovick

“As a 16 year practitioner and certified yoga instructor, there is nobody I would recommend more highly than Justyn (The Seeker Yoga School). She is authentically present, and very knowledgeable about the root of yoga. I have studied with Justyn in the Twin Cities for 7 years.”  - Lindsay Teed


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